“The Little Girl” is a story by Katherine Mansfield that revolves around a young girl named Kezia, who initially fears her strict and authoritarian father. Kezia perceives her father as a distant and intimidating figure. However, her perspective begins to change when she observes her father’s tender side, particularly when he comforts her during a storm. The story captures the evolving relationship between Kezia and her father, highlighting themes of parental love, fear, misunderstanding, and the innocence of childhood. It emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding in familial relationships.
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Chapter Wise Topic Wise Notes Class 9 English (Prose) Chapter 3 The Little Girl
₹ 50.00 Original price was: ₹ 50.00.₹ 25.00Current price is: ₹ 25.00.
“The Little Girl” is a story by Katherine Mansfield that revolves around a young girl named Kezia, who initially fears her strict and authoritarian father. Kezia perceives her father as a distant and intimidating figure.
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